DUID Victim Voices NEWS


Why parents are testing their kids for drug use

Introduction Proponents of marijuana[1] legalization tout the drug’s safety and emphasize some of its medicinal properties.  They have been successful in achieving legalization of marijuana


Denver Post: Beginning to learn or more of the same?

DUID Victim Voices has been highly critical of the Denver Post’s inaccurate reporting, cheerleading for commercialization of psychotropic drugs like marijuana and ignoring its adverse

Stoned driving more common than drunk driving

Colorado authorized the use of marijuana tax dollars to temporarily fund a program at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s Forensic Toxicology laboratory, enabling them to

Tandem DUI per se bill introduced, PI’d

January 29, 2019, HB19-1146, Concerning the offense of Tandem DUI per se was introduced into the Colorado legislature.  This bill replaces Colorado’s current 5 ng/ml

Our Data Bill Is About To Become Law

Colorado’s legislature passed House Bill 1315 on May 10th, its last day before adjourning for the year. The bill directs the Department of Public Safety’s

Opposing the mainstream

Thanks to the efforts of DUID Victim Voices supporter Stephie Mager, Nevada has a DUID per se law that establishes legal limits for several drugs including methamphetamine,

Recent Marijuana-Impaired Driving Studies

Two articles released last month reach starkly different conclusions about the effect of marijuana use on driving safety: Brady, J.E., Li, G., Trends in Alcohol